Taurus . Earth . Venus | 04/20 - 05/21

Similar to the seasons within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), planetary alignment connects to specific organs and emotions. Depending on where we are in the calendar year and lunar cycle, our physical and emotional needs change. Understanding the dynamics between planets, elements, and body systems offers powerful, healing insights.

By incorporating the following themes, nutrition and activities into your awareness and daily practices, you’ll be able to balance and support the body by utilizing the energies of nature and the current cosmic connections.

Taurus.Earth.Venus Season: Security | Appreciation | Pleasure | Moderation

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Taurus season is not only about the work that needs to be done, but also balancing it with caring for our body and feeling pleasure around us. By maintaining this balance, you can deepen your work on ongoing projects and stay firmly committed to your goals and ideas.

 I Have

Body System: Mouth, Throat, Neck
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Chakra: THROAT
Essential Oils: Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass
Gemstones: Aventurine, Jade, Turquoise

In Balance: Dedication, Grounded, Patient, Reliable, Steadiness
Out of Balance: Impulsive, Neediness, Over-Thinking, Possessive, Unproductive

Herbs/Flowers: Cornflower, Holy Basil, Mint
Foods for Balance: Berries and lettuces, Spring produce grown close to the earth
Nutrition: Thyroid support

TCM Season: Spring—Liver, Gallbladder
Meridian: Liver
Reflex Point: Liver 3 (L3), a.k.a. Taichong Point and “Great Rushing”

The Taichong Point is the origin of the Liver Meridian and is very powerful for resetting the energy of the liver. The point is found on the top of the foot, in the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones.

It can soothe the burdened and excessive FIRE liver energy by nourishing cooling, regulating YIN energy. This point is useful in helping to lower blood pressure, stopping muscle spasms, reducing menstrual cramps, and calming the mind. It will also assist you in processing anger and irritation quickly.

L3 is one of the points that you can think of as a reset button. Addressing it is sure to calm you down for long enough to take stock and look at things more calmly, making better decisions because you can perceive your situation more clearly.

After working the point, you should notice that you feel calmer, steadier and able to view things more objectively.

“I have what it takes to succeed and the energy to put in the work.”
“I appreciate my body and enjoy taking care of myself.”
“I embrace finding pleasures in my daily life.”
“I am secure and confident in my choices.”
“I am learning to quiet my mind and listen to my inner wisdom.”

Seasonal Cosmic Activity: Presence Walk

With the beauty of a new season unfolding, this activity anchors you into the earth element and awakens your inner compass. Connecting with nature gives us an opportunity to feel the strength and joy in our bodies, helping us find balance in work and play. This activity also encourages the mind to quiet down by immersing your attention in your current environment.

Find a place in nature to get outside for at least half an hour. As you walk, keep your attention focused completely on the present moment. Do not let your thoughts turn to past events or what you need to do in the upcoming days, etc. Be as fully present as possible by observing—simply noticing and appreciating.

See what you see, notice what you can hear, and what you can smell.

How does the air feel on your skin?

How do your feet feel on the earth?

While this sounds simple, it’s quite difficult to master. Similar to meditation, the mind will want to introduce all sorts of thoughts—just gently guide it back to your surroundings.

I find using gratitude the best way to shut off racing thoughts- so when words or ideas come in, I shift my gaze and focus to something around me and offer gratitude – for the beauty of the sunlight on the leaves of the tree, or the song a bird is singing in the distance. You will notice that things begin to become more vivid and alive around you.

Through this sweet and joy filled activity, you can achieve a natural “brain dump” to show up more present and aware. Try offering yourself this gift!

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved