Access multiple modalities

A practitioner of multiple disciplines addressing physical and energetic bodies, Jasmine offers comprehensive, customized and compassionate support with every client interaction. 

Part of Jasmine’s “special sauce” is that she’s an intentional and intelligent listener—paying attention not only to what you are saying but also to what the body is presenting on physical, emotional and energetic levels. Often, symptoms that seem unconnected on the surface are sharing deeper wisdom and ready-to-go solutions. Working with a practitioner who is familiar with multiple healing disciplines and is dedicated to taking time with you (not rushing to the next client) is a gamechanger for your immediate and continued health.

Individual sessions are available in-person (locally) and via telehealth (anywhere), and can run from quick “tune ups” to more in-depth reviews. Jasmine also offers a variety of educational seminars and events. Follow her Facebook page for the latest information about what’s coming up.

Appointment types and pricing

If you haven’t worked with Jasmine before, an initial 75-minute visit is recommended to establish a baseline understanding of your health history and present concerns.

If you have worked with Jasmine, then you know the gig! Appointments can be made for in-person or telehealth, and can run from 30-75 minutes depending on the level of your needs.


This session type primarily focuses on the energetic body and “scans” for proper functioning of key organs and glands, energy meridians, chakras and other circuits or systems via muscle testing a core set of reflex points, as well as ones that relate to specific issues or chief concerns shared by you. 

This assessment indicates what the subconscious body deems as the healing priority and provide a snapshot of how to best support the system on all levels, which may include: balancing hormones, neurotransmitters, and detox pathways; identifying sensitivities or pathogens; releasing emotional layers; and tuning up the energetic body. 

A customized health plan is also created with a summary of findings during the visit and recommendations for follow-up items such as nutritional or energetic cleanses, supplements or lab work to support the healing process. 

Session length ranges from 30 to 75 minutes.

30 minute session

Best for … 1-2 areas of concern, or for following up on previous session to check for effectiveness of supplementation or health plan. 

75 minute session
Telehealth and Initial Assessment Only


Best for … first-time clients. This session provides a more in-depth investigation and support for multiple, extensive health concerns. All systems are covered during this top-to-bottom assessment.


This session type primarily focuses on the physical body and works on soft tissue and acupressure points that correspond to a session focus of your choice—such as sleep, digestion, immune system, stress and mood, hormones, or detoxification (described more in the menu below). 

Each session also incorporates a brief Body|Scan that assesses related imbalances, including specific frequency vials, organs, glands, chakras and energy meridians. 

To support your healing at home, you will also receive a customized care package that may include charged water or salts, tea, an essential oil roll-on, personalized affirmation and any recommended protocols or next steps. 

Session length is 75 minutes and covers one focus area.

75 minute session

Great for … supporting the natural cortisol rhythm, boosting the neurotransmitters associated with relaxation and promoting restorative, deep sleep.

Gut Love
Great for … improving gut health, flora balance, enzyme deficiencies, absorption of nutrients, food and supplements, and helping to eliminate pathogens, including yeast or parasites.

Body Boost
Great for … addressing chronic issues, inflammation, muscular aches, pains or tenderness, and boosting antiviral supports and natural immune system responses.

Instant Vacation
Great for … restoring a healthy adrenal stress response, greater feelings of joy, motivation, connection and peace, and neurotransmitter levels related to mood.

Hormone Harmony
Great for … balancing sex hormones that may be contributing to hot flashes, irregular menstrual cycles, weight fluctuations and metabolism changes.

Destination Detox
Great for … amping up your detox pathways and hydration levels to alleviate fatigue or headaches and process excessive consumption or exposure to toxins.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

While each appointment is customized to your needs and the needs of your body at that point in time, the general order of events is roughly the same. Sessions start with an initial check-in conversation between you and Jasmine, taking stock of how you’ve been feeling and what concerns you would like to address. Then the muscle testing process will begin to check alignment of the main organs and systems, as well as the specific items you bring to focus on. From here, the body “takes the wheel” and guides the session to whatever healing modalities are the the highest and best interest for you at that time. This could look like rebalancing the body energetically or identifying lifestyle and nutrition supports, such as dietary, daily routine or supplement recommendations.

While there’s nothing you “need” to do in preparation of an appointment, it can be beneficial to run through the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to identify anything that has felt “off” or has brought discomfort. For more ideas of what types of things to consider, check out this “discovery guide.”

If you have an in-person appointment, Jasmine will provide the studio’s address when scheduling. (See below for pictures!) When visiting the studio, located in the back of the property, please park in the alley. You’ll see two blue stars on a privacy fence letting you know you’re in the right spot. 

If you have a telehealth appointment, you get to choose where you’d like to be. To make the most of your appointment, we suggest that you pick a quiet, calm and safe space so that you can focus on you and your healing without distractions.

Muscle testing is a way to access your nervous system and see where the body may be out of balance. Muscle testing works by applying a small amount of pressure to your arm or another muscle that should always “fire” when engaged (e.g., when you’re resisting the pressure). Muscle testing checks the body’s response to various reflex points, vials, and other frequencies. When pressure is applied and the muscle remains strong, the related element (e.g., an organ, energy meridian or thought) is aligned with your body’s blueprint for health. When the body goes weak to the pressure, this indicates an area to bring back into balance. For more information, check out Touch for Health by John Thie.

BodyCode, and EmotionCode as a subcomponent of the larger system, provides a complex framework for identifying and releasing emotions that are “trapped” (stored), as well as other imbalances or disturbances in the physical, mental or energetic bodies. How does that happen? When a stressful situation occurs, we often don’t (or can’t) fully process the effects of that event at that point in time. According to Chinese medicine theory, each organ and energy system houses different emotions. When we have something that we have been unable to process or “clear”, that emotional response to the triggering event stays with us and can begin to tax us internally. Using BodyCode and muscle testing together helps to restore balance and wellbeing.

Scientists in the United Kingdom created a tool to measure the hertz (or charge) of various body and environmental components—such as hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, toxins, anti-inflammatories, molds, bacterias, etc.—and then recreated those frequencies into a special kind of hydro static water, contained in small vials. The body is able to recognize the vibrational frequency of these charged vials and can indicate a resonance or disturbance with the associated component through muscle testing. 

Yes! Placing essential oil(s) on certain acupressure points can help release various physical and emotional traumas, as well as to balance and ground the body at the conclusion of a session.

Yes! Bloodwork is a great tool to identify and address sensitivities and imbalances in the body, especially when there is opportunity to tune things up before it becomes a “lab low” or “lab high”. You can bring your own blood panels in for interpretation or you can order specific or general comprehensive panels from Jasmine, administered through LabCorp. 

Fun fact, Jasmine worked with Apex Energetics for over a decade, attending many seminars and advanced trainings in functional blood chemistry and endocrinology. She has multiple class certifications and generous working knowledge of how to read bloodwork and make appropriate recommendations.

Supporting the body through nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and supplements are all a part of Jasmine’s approach to healing and wellness. When recommending any of these or other health protocols, Jasmine considers a client’s interest, resources, availability and motivation to ensure suggestions will be helpful and doable.

Welcome to the studio!

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved