Protecting Your Energetic and Emotional Body

Everyone can benefit from incorporating practices to keep the body’s energy field clear and protected.

I recently watched the movie, HEAL (2017), and I highly recommend it. This documentary offers scientific evidence of the power in changing our daily practices and perceptions. At one part in the film, I was struck by how we perceive stressful situations versus gratitude and love.

The frequency waves that the brain and the body experience, based on the stimuli in the environment, have a profound impact on our overall health. Specifically, when we have a stress response we release cortisol and adrenaline (think “fight, flight, or freeze”) and the immune system is compromised. In fact, it functions at a much lower level and the reverberation of angst and irritation dominates the energetic body.

Now, imagine your morning… you wake up to the alarm clock, head to the kitchen for your coffee, and sit down to check in on the news. It’s a pretty common routine, including for me at times. Even if I don’t seek out the news immediately, it finds its way into my day through my email, social media, a phone call or session with a client.

The sad truth is, the news isn’t improving much and it’s full of stressful information that is creating a lot of emotional havoc for all of us. When we expose ourselves to all of that information and negativity first thing in the morning, we get our energy field all jagged and upset. Our emotional body then harbors stressful feelings like overwhelm, anger, sadness, and shock for the rest of the day.

Isn’t it odd that we take the time to get our physical body clean and freshened up to put our best face forward, but we might completely overlook our energetics?

Ideas for how keep your vibes clear and positive

I have started a more intentional practice to tend to my energetic body and the results have been awesome. I have a nice, gentle chime alarm to wake me up on the days it’s necessary, and I start my day with 16 oz. of filtered water. I light the candles in my living room and take a moment to focus on three things I am thankful for. Sometimes it’s as simple as cuddling with my dogs, other times it’s bigger items, like an approved business proposal or the good health of my daughters. I review my intentions for my business and my lifestyle practices. I connect with my physical BEing by taking out the yoga mat and greeting my body with gentle awareness through breath and stretching. This process only takes about 15-20 minutes and it certainly sets the tone for a more deliberate and proper start to my day.

I am becoming much more conscious and cautious about the information I receive or allow into my space. Though I enjoy social media for connecting with my business and engaging with or creating motivational content, I have “unfollowed” friends and/or accounts that aren’t in alignment with my heart space so that my feed is positive and intentionally created.

I limit my current events stream throughout the day, which takes considerable effort. I avoid breaking news flashes and engaging in political discussions. When I do come across them, I connect with my feelings and offer simple practices such as tapping or swiping my governing vessel to help process and release the stress from my emotional body. Since adopting this new routine, I have noticed considerably less anxiety and stress to be present in my day. According to my FitBit, I’ve also decreased my respirations from 20 to 14 breaths per minute while I’m sleeping. This tells me that my nervous system is responding well to these healthy new commitments.

Additionally, I deploy some rituals to ground and protect myself before I go out into public. I use various essential oils like frankincense, cedarwood, petitgrain, and wild orange to create an energetic barrier between me and external influences. In fact, this was the inspiration to craft my new Aura Spray’s I launched last month, so that you can benefit from blends like “Quiet the Chatter” and “Radar Love”, too. (Contact me to get a hold of some!)

I also “zip” myself up (i.e., a quick swipe of my hand up the front of my body to create a protective barrier between my bubble and the external environment) so that I am present in my most authentic way, but not vulnerable to other energies.

With these quick and easy methods, I am able to choose a higher vibration for myself and in doing so, support the overall health of my body. I’m curious about your morning routines and the ways you disconnect from the stream of negativity. Reach out and let me know what works for you to show up energetically solid, and share it with your family and friends.

I am of the firm belief that if we take time to be congruent with our highest selves, we will offer each other more kindness, forgiveness, and compassion.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved