Pisces . Water . Neptune | 02/18 - 03/20

Similar to the seasons within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), planetary alignment connects to specific organs and emotions. Depending on where we are in the calendar year and lunar cycle, our physical and emotional needs change. Understanding the dynamics between planets, elements, and body systems offers powerful, healing insights.

By incorporating the following themes, nutrition and activities into your awareness and daily practices, you’ll be able to balance and support the body by utilizing the energies of nature and the current cosmic connections.

Pisces.Water.Neptune Season: Fluidity | Exploration | Depth of the Heart

Associated with the twelfth house of spirituality, Pisces is most comfortable in the world of emotion, artistic self-expression and dreaming.

This season offers us an awareness of how we can be in a natural state of flow, trusting what we cannot see and being open to our intuition. There is also the tendency to lean on various forms of escapism when the world gets too harsh for the sensitive heart, so we have an opportunity to create healthy ways to disconnect and support our nervous system. Commit to upgrading your self-care routine and offering time for reflection.

 We care

Body System: Hands and Feet, Lymphatics
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Essential Oils: Cypress, Ginger, Juniper
Gemstone: Amethyst, Ocean Jasper, Moonstone

In Balance: Sensitive, Empathic, Dreaming, Love from the heart
Out of Balance: Sadness, Feeling out of body, Trading fact for fantasy

Herbs/Flowers: Echinacea, Lavender, Mugwort
Foods for Balance: Watery plants (e.g., Watercress, Bean Sprouts, Celery) 
Nutrition: Zinc

TCM Season: Winter—Kidneys, Urinary Bladder
Meridian: Urinary Bladder

Reflex Point: Bladder 1 (B1), a.k.a. “Bright Eyes”
This point, used for its spiritual aspect, can clear away emotional imprints and patterns, helping us to restore our wonder and fascination with life. It deepens our appreciation for the divine gifts around us. Close your eyes and gentle place your fingertips here—at the inner canthus of both eyes. Breathe deeply and open your eyes to a brighter day and environment.


“I embrace all parts of myself. I am learning to love me.”
“I can offer myself the compassion I need to heal.”
“I release self-judgment and am reminded of my perfection and power.”
“I commit to taking care of myself today.”

Seasonal Grounding Activity: Pisces Shower Ritual

  1. Set up the shower. I like to anchor the four corners of my shower floor or bath tub with stones or crystals. For PISCES season amethyst, moonstone, or sea jasper would be great, but you could use any river rocks. Add anything that feels nice and supportive—flowers, herbs or essential oils (like Lavender) in and around the shower. You can also light a candle to acknowledge creating the sacred space to relax and restore. You may want to burn some sage or Palo Santo to help clear out lingering “winter blah” energies.
  2. Once the tone is set, step in the shower. Visualize the shower like a waterfall washing away residues of stress, judgment and low-frequency energies in your field. Allow yourself to be a clean slate for fresh energies to come in and renew your spirit. Intention is everything here. Stick with it, have fun and feel refreshed.
  3. When you’re finished, wrap yourself in the coziness of a robe, blanket or other fuzzy gear, and take some deep breaths into your heart space. Ask yourself, what do I need to feel good? You may want to deepen this practice by placing a crystal or small stone over your third eye for a few minutes after the shower to encourage connection with your intuition and trust in the universe.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved