How to Support Your Heart Chakra

Our heart chakra is the fourth chakra. It sits on the sternum, housing emotions of joy, trust and compassion.

The heart emits an electromagnetic frequency greater than any other part of the body. It is here that we can move beyond ego and connect with the vibration of unconditional love.

Take some time to sit with yourself and listen to your heart. Feel into where you may be guarded or have shut-down as a protective measure. Stay gentle with yourself as your honor and acknowledge these hurts, while setting the intention to keep the heart open and to amplify its positive qualities.

Heart Chakra Overview

An illustration of a woman with a green circle in the center of chest above the sternum representing the location of the Heart Chakra.Qualities: Compassion, Forgiveness, Trust, Vulnerability
Location: Center of chest
Stone: Jade, Rose Quartz
Taste: Leafy, airy vegetables and fresh herbs
Sound: AH
Sense: Touch
Physical: Arms, ribs, shoulders, lungs, thymus, diaphragm
Essential Oils: Basil, Rose, Cypress, Frankincense, Neroli
Affirmation(s): I am open to experiencing joy in my life. I give and receive love freely. I offer myself forgiveness and compassion.

Heart Chakra Practices

DIETARY: Eat an abundance of airy and leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, chard, cabbage, and dandelion. Green Tea, matcha, and holy basil tea are very beneficial to drink. Add fresh sage, basil, thyme, cilantro, and parsley to your diet as well.

ENRICHMENT: Create a personal healing space at home. Ideas for this space could be a simple altar on your dresser with a candle, some flowers, any meaningful items or representations of relationship and compassion. It can also be a place that you dedicate to nurture your heart space and bring awareness to your purpose of being an expression of love.

CHAKRACISE: Take some deep breaths into your heart space. See a radiant green flower open in your chest, giving, and receiving, without restrictions. Allow your heart space to expand with unconditional love and acceptance. Love is the vibration you feel, repeat “I love and am loved, I offer myself forgiveness and compassion.”

ENERGY RESET: Repattern emotional blockages by journaling about your thoughts, ask your heart to guide you and try to silence the mind. Are you aware of relationship hurts or feelings of rejection? Did an experience make you shut your heart space down for protection and self-preservation? Consider how the ego may have blocked the heart’s guidance in certain situations. Notice any parts of yourself that you may have not accepted or denied. All of these experiences and judgements have taught you, and can be acknowledged as gifts of growth. The goal is to now release these lower frequencies, and vibrate at a higher level. Illuminate your heart space with the gift of self love and forgiveness. Breathe into any blocks or restrictions and tap lightly on your heart space to open it even more as you continue to breathe in love.

EXERCISE: Cobra Pose, Doorway Stretches

Good Vibe Goods for the Heart

Set the tone with these handcrafted offerings that encourage an open heart and self appreciation.

The Heart Chakra Bundle includes:

  ✨ “Radar Love” Gemstone Essential Oil Roll-on // infused with sunstone, carnelian, ylang ylang, frankincense, and juniper berry.

  ✨ Heart Chakra Nighttime Balancing Kit // includes a batik pillowcase, chakra-specific affirmations and aura spray

  ✨ Heart Opener Crystal Bath Soak // infused with red roses and rose quartz

Support your heart and your practice of self-love … $30 for the month of February. Call or text Jasmine at (970) 773-3159.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved