Back to School 2021

One of the most common questions I am hearing in my practice right now is: How can I support my child’s health as we head back to school?

It’s true, we’ve just come off one of the most challenging years for families and children.  As the school year starts, here are a few easy tips you can incorporate to keep your kiddo in great shape.


I recommend keeping the immune system supported with supplementation of 40 mg zinc, 5,000 iu’s Vitamin D, a good multivitamin, and a probiotic daily. You can pick these up at your local health food store and these supplements will provide a good base for general wellness.

Key takeaways

Support a smooth and healthy back-to-school season by:

Whole food diet

A key building block in the health equation is a whole food diet. Incorporating unprocessed, healthy foods as part of each meal and for snacks is one of the best things you can do to help with the immune system, digestion, and mood/focus. When kids eat fiber and whole foods as part of a healthy snack or lunch, they are less likely to experience a spike in blood sugar levels, and this helps them avoid a “crash” in energy later on. More stable energy levels equal better potential for focus. I like the concept of crowding out unhealthy choices with delicious whole foods, and offering a number of options to keep your child fueled and interested.

Need some added inspo?

Emotional support

Supporting your child’s emotional needs is also critical these days. Having heart to heart conversations about what’s happening and offering permission for whatever is coming up with your kiddo. Bilateral tapping at the collarbones and 5-6 deep breaths is a way to help the central nervous system process stress and change the physiology of the body from fight or flight, to a more relaxed state.


Most children do not get their recommended daily dose of water and this is critical for a healthy body. Your child should aim to drink half of their body weight in ounces and have access to filtered water in a water bottle that they carry with them.

This time of year is so hot, and if your child is playing sports or walking to and from school, they will also benefit from adding electrolytes or trace minerals to their water. I like the brand Ultima because it’s powdered, has no sugar, and actually tastes good enough that it encourages my daughter to drink water. We add it to her drinking water to taste (current flavor winners are lemonade and grape). Electrolyte supplementation will help the body stay hydrated and flushes toxins, and is a great alternative to unhealthy sports drinks that are loaded with sugar and dyes.

Don’t forget about a back to school wellness visit as well! In a wellness visit for kiddos, I check how the body is responding to all of the neurotransmitters, hormones, digestive enzymes, and detox pathways. We can target specific nutritional and supplementation needs for the season. I also check for trapped emotions that we may need to release in order to bring about more calm, confidence, and a greater sense of well-being.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved