Aries . Fire . Mars | 03/20 - 04/19

Similar to the seasons within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), planetary alignment connects to specific organs and emotions. Depending on where we are in the calendar year and lunar cycle, our physical and emotional needs change. Understanding the dynamics between planets, elements, and body systems offers powerful, healing insights.

By incorporating the following themes, nutrition and activities into your awareness and daily practices, you’ll be able to balance and support the body by utilizing the energies of nature and the current cosmic connections.

Aries.Fire.Mars Season: Making things happen | Creation | New ideas | Growth

Aries brings forth a new sense of inspiration and enthusiasm. This season we can connect with hope and fresh energy to bring about positive change and take steps towards our deepest desires. Allow yourself to be spontaneous and adventurous, while keeping yourself grounded through connection to the outdoors and nature’s gift of spring greens.

 I am

Body System: Brain and Nervous System
Element: Wood
Planet: Mars
Chakra: SACRAL
Essential Oils: Cypress, Juniper, Wild Orange
Gemstone: Garnet, Opal, Jasper

In Balance: Enthusiastic, Self-Assured, Creative, Active, Determined, Effective, Decisive
Out of Balance: Anger, Frustration, Lack of control, Wishy-Washy, Unmotivated

Herbs/Flowers: Burdock, Chicory, Dandelion, Daffodil
Foods for Balance: Watery plants (e.g., Watercress, Bean sprouts, Sprouts) and Bitter leafy greens
Nutrition: Fatty acids

TCM Season: Spring—Liver, Gallbladder
Meridian: Gallbladder

Reflex Point: Gallbladder 41 (GB41), a.k.a. “Foot Above Tears”

This acupoint is in the notch on the outside of the pinky toe tendon, between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. This point is the “exit point” of the gallbladder meridian and can feel tender depending on the level of stagnant energy and emotions in the gallbladder meridian. Working with GB-41 can help to drain congested chi from the upper half of the GB channel which can manifest as symptoms in the outer legs, shoulders, head and eyes. On an emotional level, the “Foot Above Tears” point can relieve feelings of frustration and resentment and encourages the release of old emotions and mental patterns to help you step into a new way of being.

To work with this point, apply a healthy amount of pressure while you cycle through a few deep breaths. If feelings of frustration come up, that’s a good sign that stifled energy is clearing from your meridian—so stick with it until the uncomfortable feelings diminish.

“I am filled with strength, health and vitality.”
“I embrace new ideas and possibilities.”
“I achieve a healthy work and life balance.”
“I am able to integrate healthy habits and routines into my life.”
“I attract the opportunities I need at the right time.”

Seasonal Grounding Activity: Equinox Celebration

During this season, the vernal equinox arrives in the northern hemisphere and is worthy of celebration! This day is the balance between the light and dark, and from this day on we get a little more light each day. On this day, make an effort to watch the sun rise and set. Bring some daffodils or other fresh flowers into your home. If you have frost-tolerant seeds or sprouts, today is a wonderful day to sow them. This is one of the best times of the year to contemplate the seeds you are ready to plant in your own life.

  • In what areas of your life are you planting seeds? What do you hope to see them grow into?
  • What habits have you developed through the winter that you would like to let go of this season, and how can you do it?
  • What have you been avoiding or struggling to start? How can you make more time to bring that forward?
  • What is something you would like a second chance at?
  • In what aspect of your life can you be more nurturing?

Take some time for the journal prompts above and recognize the fresh energy that surrounds you with the combination of Aries and Spring NEW ENERGY.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved