Libra . Air . Venus | 09/22 - 10/21

Similar to the seasons within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), planetary alignment connects to specific organs and emotions. Depending on where we are in the calendar year and lunar cycle, our physical and emotional needs change. Understanding the dynamics between planets, elements, and body systems offers powerful, healing insights.

By incorporating the following themes, nutrition and activities into your awareness and daily practices, you’ll be able to balance and support the body by utilizing the energies of nature and the current cosmic connections.

Libra.Air.Venus Season: Balance | Coordination | Relational Harmony

We Unite

Body System: Low Back, Kidneys, pH Balance
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Chakra: Heart
Essential Oils: Juniper Berry, Cedarwood
Gemstone: Fluorite, Moss Agate, Rose Quartz

In Balance: Justice, Truth, Peacemaker
Out of Balance: Blaming, Perfection, Indecisive

Herbs/Flowers: Parsley, Mint, Hibiscus
Foods for Balance: Brown Rice, Oats, Kidney Beans, Apples
Nutrition: Electrolytes

TCM Season: Metal—Lungs, Large Intestine
Meridian: Kidney
Reflex Points: Kidneys 1 (K1) a.k.a. “Gushing Spring” (located at the bottom of foot in the arch) and Kidneys 27 (K27), a.k.a. “Elegant Mansion” (the bony knobs at collarbones—you want to know this point!)

“I appreciate the balance I am able to create in my life.”
“I release judgment of myself and others.”
“I am open to feeling supported.”
“I am inspired by my interactions with others.”
“I invite ease and balance into my day.”

Mudra: Hakini Mudra (Gesture of the Goddess Hakini)

Mudras are hand positions that balance the energetic body, support the physical body, and promote spiritual awakening. The Sanskrit word mudra can be translated as “gesture” or “seal.” The use of Mudras has been strongly identified with Indian culture where they have been used for over 2,000 years. Mudras can be used to communicate the qualities we wish to embody to all parts of our being.

During Libra Season, focusing on the Hakini Mudra a couple times a day with deep breathing for a couple minutes, to deepen your awareness and quickly bring a sense of well-being. This mudra promotes an ideal BALANCE between alertness and relaxation and helps to create harmony through all the systems of the body. The gesture also supports the AIR element by facilitating full, expansive breath. The position of the hands in a global shape reminds us of the wholeness and unity with all.

  1. Hold the hands facing each other in front of your upper abdomen.
  2. Gently allow the fingertips of all the fingers to touch the fingertips of the opposite hand, thumbs included.
  3. Hold the hands open and rounded, as if holding a small globe.
  4. Relax the shoulders back and down, keep your forearms parallel to the earth and your spine neutral.
  5. As you hold the Hakini mudra, take several natural breaths and allow all the feelings and sensations to wake up.
  6. Direct three (3) deep breaths into your lower body—focus on your connection with the earth and feeling grounded and anchored in the present.
  7. Next direct three (3) full breaths into your upper body—focus on being open to your spiritual connection.
  8. Now try and breathe into your upper and lower body evenly, harmonizing the subtle dimensions of your being.
  9. Finally, breathe fully throughout your entire body, feel the depth of your breath as you unify all parts of the body.
  10. Offer the affirmation “I experience complete balance and harmony by integrating all part of myself”
  11. Slowly release the MUDRA, come to a place of noticing the integration of your being
  12. When you are ready, open your eyes and return slowly to your day with a greater sense of well-being and peace

Seasonal Activity: Autumn Equinox Ritual 

  1. To start your Autumn Equinox ritual, light a candle to acknowledge the light within the dark.
  2. Next, take some time to write down all you are grateful for so far this year. Acknowledge the blessings and the lessons.
  3. Then, take a look at where your life might be out of balance at this Autumn Equinox. Some questions to consider:
    1. Are you mainly doing things that fill you up energetically or drain you?
    2. Is life full of variety or has it got dull?
    3. Is there too much change and some routine would help to calm things down?
    4. Are you feeling connected to others, isolated or in need of some alone time?
    5. Do you receive equally as much as you give?
  4. Also ask:
    1. How are your goals going that you set for this year?
    2. Any new to ones add?
    3. Is there anything you haven’t started yet?
    4. Are any changes needed this Autumn Equinox?
  5. After you reflect on these, take three (3) pieces of paper and write down:
      1. What you are letting go.
      2. Your intention moving forward.
      3. Your gratitude list.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved