Organ Profiles for Summer: Heart & Small Intestine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, there are five primary elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) that correspond with the five seasons (Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Fall/Autumn, and Winter), as well as certain systems and qualities, such as organs, tissues, emotions and colors.

Paying attention to these throughout the year can help cultivate increased balance (yin and yang) within the body, mind and spirit. The following organ profiles feature the key SUMMER organs: Heart (yin) and Small Intestine (yang).

Heart (Root of Life)

The ruler of the body, the heart serves all the cells in the body by pumping around 3,000 gallons of blood per day to the lungs. Besides circulating all that blood, the heart is also associated with memories, cognitive functioning and emotional wellbeing. The heart rate and rhythm are connected to our breathing, and our mental and emotional states. When the heart system is balanced, the mind is calm. When imbalanced, there can be anxiety, insomnia, and a general feeling of restlessness.

Trapped Emotion: Love/Effort Unreceived, Heartache, Shock
Chakra: HEART
Gemstone: Jade, Rose Quartz
Essential Oil: Basil, Rose
Herbal Support: Hawthorn berries
Nutritional Support: Omega-3 Fish Oil
Foods to Nourish: A cooling diet of primarily fruits and vegetables
Foods to Avoid: Red meats, animal fat
Active Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Affirmation(s): “I give my love feely. I am open to receiving and feeling love. I am free of the past and honor what I have to offer now.”

Small Intestine (The Physical Alchemist)

The small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the foods we eat to feed and nourish every cell in the body. The small intestine has a very large surface area that works to digest food and send it directly into the bloodstream. With over 200 types of healthy gut flora, the majority of the immune system resides in the small intestine, as well as many of your serotonin receptors to feel joy and pleasure.

Trapped Emotion: Insecure, Vulnerable
Gemstone: Carnelian
Essential Oil: Fennel, Peppermint
Herbal Support: Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm
Nutritional Support: L-Glutamine, Collagen Powder
Foods to Nourish: Brown rice, Lentils, Bone broth, Fennel seeds
Foods to Avoid: Excessive seeds, scratchy foods, alcohol
Active Time: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Affirmation(s): “I am learning to trust others. It is okay for me to be vulnerable. I am secure and safe in my being.”

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2022 All rights reserved

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