Organ Profiles for Winter: Kidneys & Urinary Bladder

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, there are five primary elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) that correspond with the five seasons (Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Fall/Autumn, and Winter), as well as certain systems and qualities, such as organs, tissues, emotions and colors.

Paying attention to these throughout the year can help cultivate increased balance (yin and yang) within the body, mind and spirit. The following organ profiles feature the key WINTER organs: Kidneys (yin) and Urinary Bladder (yang).

Kidneys (The Essence of Life)

According to TCM, the vital “life-force” of the body is stored in the kidneys. The kidneys are a major detoxification organ and filter the blood to keep the system clean. The water levels and the acid-alkaline balance in the body is controlled by the kidneys. The kidneys govern all that is secluded and dormant, and hold the deepest emotions of the body.

Trapped Emotion(s): Fear / Dread, Unsupported
Chakra: SACRAL
Gemstone: Malachite
Essential Oil: Lemon, Rosemary
Herbal Support: Ginger, Nettle, Parsley
Nutritional Support: Vitamin D, Electrolytes
Foods to Nourish: Kidney Beans, Winter Squash
Foods to Avoid: Iced beverages, Predominantly raw diet
Active Time: 5-7 p.m.
Affirmation: “I recognize that I am supported universally I choose to release fear in life and embrace my expansion.”

Maintaining adequate hydration levels is important to support the kidneys. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces on a daily basis. To boost your alkalinity and hydrate all of your tissues, include trace minerals and electrolyte supplementation to your water. Making time for deep relaxation and reflection is also an integral component of your kidney health.

Urinary Bladder (The Storehouse of Emotions)

The bladder is a muscular organ that stores and eliminates urine from the kidneys. When the bladder is not functioning well, the rest of the system can easily become compromised. This is the main energy channel of the back, and trapped emotions along this meridian often manifest as a stiff neck or back pain.

Trapped Emotion(s): Miffed, Indecisive
Chakra: SACRAL
Gemstone: Carnelian
Essential Oil: Cinnamon, Juniper Berry
Herbal Support: Marshmallow Root, Raspberry Leaf, Uva Ursi
Nutritional Support: D-Mannose
Foods to Nourish: Cranberries
Foods to Avoid: Salty foods
Active Time: 3-5 p.m.
Affirmation: “I am open to feeling and expressing my feelings. I acknowledge my needs and emotions.”

Keep your back loose through stretching or foam rolling to support a good flow of energy through your Urinary Bladder channel. Marshmallow root tea is an excellent tonic for the bladder and can help with inflammation or irritation. Taking time to tune in to your inner feelings and desires is another important aspect of bladder health.

Jasmine Norcross, HHP © 2024 All rights reserved